What Are Signs of Carpenter Ants & how to control them?

What Are Signs of Carpenter Ants & how to control them?

We often see small black ants alongside bigger ones in our homes. While the smaller ones are drawn to everyday food items, the larger ones are Carpenter Ants. If you're concerned about their presence, considering ant removal might be a wise choice. 

As the name suggests, the Carpenter Ant uses wood to make its home; it does not feed on wood like termites. However, they are known for constructing extensive tunneling systems within the timber. If left alone, Carpenter Ants can cause enough damage to affect the structural integrity of items or even buildings. 

How Carpenter Ants Get Around:

Carpenter Ants are attracted to moist wood because it is easier to chew through. This means their nests are usually found in wood that has been dampened by water leaks, for eg. around sinks, pipes, bathtubs, windows and door frames, and hollow spaces like underneath wooden decks or behind washers. image of a carpenter ant tunnel system

Unlike termites that consume wood, Carpenter Ants are unable to digest cellulose. They don’t eat wood; Carpenter Ants create tunnels and nests within the wood that enable movement between different parts of the nest and food sources. 

These big black ants build nests in various locations, posing a challenge for homeowners. If you're dealing with such infestations, consider ant control services. They create two types of nests: one for the primary colonies that house an egg-laying queen, her brood, and over 2000 worker ants; and the other for satellite colonies which only house large numbers of worker ants. It's essential to note that these nests can be located both inside and outside a structure, above ground or below. Investing in the best ant control company can help address these issues effectively.

What Carpenter Ants Feed On:

Considered both a predator and a scavenger, the Carpenter Ant feeds on insect parts, “honeydew” produced by aphids (insects that feed on plant sap), and sugary liquids like juices, honey, or syrup. Carpenter Ants mostly forage at night when they collect and consume dead insects. When the worker ants find food sources, they use biochemical pheromones to mark the shortest path between the nest and the food source. This path can be both above and underground and lasts for as long as the food source is available. 

ants carrying a dead insect

What to Watch Out for When You Find Carpenter Ants:

Based on all the above, when you spot Carpenter Ants around, here are the 3 things you want to look out for: Untitled design (29)

Follow the ants to identify their entry point, ensuring you choose the best ant control company to address the issue without causing disruption. Remember, when threatened, insects instinctively rebuild their pathways. Relying on ant control services is crucial, as they will not just disappear on their own. 

Prevention measures against Carpenter ants:

It is rarely effective to simply spray insecticide or dust around an infested area without locating and destroying the nests. Carpenter ants inside nests won't be affected by the insecticide much, even though foraging workers will come into contact with the insecticide and die.

Integrated pest management, blending inspection, prevention, and insecticide treatment, is a trusted method to address carpenter ants. Opting for reputable ant control services might be a prudent decision, ensuring both effectiveness and reasonable ant pest control cost.


It's often the most difficult and important part of the carpenter ant control strategy to find both the parent satellite nests. There may be more than one colony in the structure or on the property. To have a thorough inspection, follow the below methods-

  • Find signs of an infestation near isolated areas since this is what attracts carpenter ants.
  • Verify typical nesting locations in buildings.
  • Verify typical nesting locations in landscapes or natural settings.
  • Look for any paths inside or outside the building.
  • Determine which direction the food is traveling by keeping an eye on activities along those routes
  • Observe with red light after sunset.

Control measures can be implemented once the nesting areas have been located. 


Carpenter ants can enter your house through any crack or small aperture, even if it is located many stories above the ground. They do not always achieve this by gnawing their way through the wood. While using preventative strategies, keep a close eye out for these items-

  • Reduce moist conditions as predominantly that is what attracts carpenter ants in a home.
  • Take care to clean up any food particles that have been scattered. Do not leave sugary foods lying around the house.
  • Repair leaky roofs, chimney flashing, blocked gutters, poorly ventilated attics, and faulty plumbing.
  • Get rid of rotten or water-damaged wood. Make sure all wood-to-soil contact is eliminated.
  • It is advisable to cut off tree limbs that are broken and to seal holes in the trunks of trees.  

Insecticide treatment:

It's wise to reach out to a reputable ant control service when dealing with carpenter ants. These professionals have a deep understanding of what attracts these pests and the expertise to inspect properties, find nests, and implement effective solutions. Depending on your needs and budget, they might use one or more of the methods listed below.

  • Spraying aerosols over the nest can be effective, especially if there is a lot of insulation there.
  • Using vapors of insecticidal chemicals to penetrate inaccessible areas of a nest, eradicates the colony.
  • The application of perimeter treatments to prevent ant ingress around the building.
  • The use of liquid and granular bait formulations is effective in controlling carpenter ants near entrances and foraging trails

Carpenter ants are an annoyance in our daily lives and their presence in and around our home is neither hygienic nor pleasing. The above-mentioned best practices will greatly assist you in fending them off. However, you may always rely on us if you feel overpowered by their presence and need help right away. We're here to assist you in leading a pest-free life.

What Would ORIGIN Do?

Carpenter Ants are one of the pests people often overlook, hoping they'll disappear on their own. However, the damage can become unmanageable over time. If you or your loved ones are experiencing the negative impacts of these pests, such as waking up to bites, it's essential to consider ant control services.

Unfortunately, most times, it's best to bring in the best ant control company before it's too late.

Our team conducts a thorough inspection of your premises to find the entry points, and identify ways you can realistically keep them out. And if the situation calls for it, we have the equipment and products to carry out effective treatment for you. 






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