In the last few years, the number of pet owners has significantly increased in Singapore. As per an international report published in CNA, the dog pet population in the country was estimated to be 114,000 in 2023 and the cat population was around 94,000. This statistic highlights how pet ownership can increase the health risks associated with pet-borne ticks in Singapore.
Well, dog tick-borne diseases pose a global challenge as their dominance varies from region to region. Here is a list of a few commonly occurring tick-borne diseases that affect our furry companions across the world:
Furthermore, note that, apart from the pet population, ticks in Singapore are also found in parks, green urban spaces, wildlife reservoirs, and recreational areas like camping or hiking.
Protect your pet:- Get your pets vaccinated for ticks and use preventive products as the veterinarian recommends. Topical creams, oral medications, collars, and sprays can make your pet less attractive to Ticks. Create a safe play area for them, avoiding exposure to neighboring urban green areas. Finally, check them for tick attacks, especially around their ears and toes.
Wash your pets’ bedding regularly:- Ticks don’t stick to their hosts for their entire lifespan and can be spotted near your pet's bedding. You must thoroughly wash your pet's bedding in hot soapy water twice a month to kick tick infestation away.
Wear protective clothing:- If you’re visiting any tick-prone area (shrubby areas, woodlands, or tall grass) do not forget to suit up! Wear a full-sleeve shirt and full pants, and pair them with closed-toe boots or shoes. You can tuck your pants inside the socks or shoes to keep ticks reaching your skin.
Use tick repellents:- NEA states that the most effective mosquito repellents are those that pack the active ingredients IR3535, Deet, or Picaridin. Therefore, it would be wise to use these products on clothing and exposed skin. You can choose products containing permethrin, picaridin, and DEET. For instance, permethrin-treated clothing helps in keeping ticks at bay. You can apply permethrin spray to treat your clothing or buy pre-treated clothing.
Check for ticks:- After your trip to the tick-prone zone, check your body thoroughly. Ticks can hide behind your ears, in skin folds, the groin area, underarms, or scalp. If you find any of them, remove them with the help of fine-tipped tweezers.
Vacuum your house frequently:- Vacuuming can remove adult ticks, their larvae, and eggs, curbing the tick infestation. If you suspect a tick invasion, seal the dirt bag and dispose of it safely after vacuuming. Doing so will ensure they don’t return to your home.
If you are wary of recurring tick infestation on your property, consider consulting professional pest control or exterminators for an effective solution. At ORIGIN, we provide you with the following services to deal with ticks in Singapore:
Wrapping up, you can tackle the ticks in Singapore by staying proactive. We encourage proactive steps like grooming your pets, keeping outdoor spaces clean, and using tick repellents to minimize the risk posed by these pests. Moreover, to prevent bigger and more serious tick infestation, call ORIGIN at 62805666! We ensure that you and your loved ones are kept safe and sound.
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