ORIGIN Dry Gas Treatment

ORIGIN Dry Gas Treatment

ORIGIN Dry Gas Treatment

Dry Gas application is a treatment technique, which emits insecticide particles with carbon dioxide gas as the carrier. Unlike conventional spraying technologies, this gas treatment will disperse ultrafine particles which travel through the air to reach every corner of the premises and is able to control a wide range of crawling and flying pests.

To ensure a more uniform and complete application, leaving the gas to hang in the air for a minimum of two hours will agitate the pests out of their hiding places and kill them. This insecticidal gas is a dry and non-residual gas, therefore minimum preparation is needed. There are precautions and preparation prior to treatment:

Before Treatment:

  • No pets and humans are allowed to be present during the application.
  • Ensure sprinkler system and any other alarm systems (if any) that may be affected by this treatment is switched off.
  • Ensure all ventilation systems (air-conditioner, fan, exhaust fan) are switched off.
  • Put all food items, raw materials, processed food items, and utensils in protected containers.
  • Ensure all windows and doors are closed tight.

After Treatment:

  • Gaps around doors will be sealed up with masking tape to prevent the gas from escaping.
  • Your premises should be closed for at least 4 hours after the application is completed.
  • After (at least) 4 hours, open doors and windows to ventilate the entire premise for at least 30 minutes.




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