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Buying or Renting a House? Spot Pest Infestations Before Moving In.

Written by ORIGIN Exterminators | May 28, 2024 7:42:00 AM

Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone, whether you're buying or renting. However, discovering a pest infestation after moving in can quickly turn that excitement into stress. Pests are a common issue in Singapore's tropical climate, making it crucial to spot potential infestations before settling in. This guide will help you with spotting pest infestations and conducting a thorough pest inspection before buying a house.

Why Pest Inspections Are Essential

There has been a growing demand for pest control in Singapore, especially against bedbugs. A pest infestation can cause significant damage to your property and pose health risks to your family. Termites, for example, can weaken the structural integrity of a home, while rodents and cockroaches can spread diseases. Performing a pre-move pest inspection with Pest Control in Singapore helps prevent costly repairs and ensures your new home is safe and comfortable.

Key Areas to Check for Pests

  1. Exterior of the Property
    Start your pest inspection outside the house. Key things to look for include:
    • Mud Tubes and Wood Damage: Termites build mud tubes to travel between their nest and food source. Inspect the foundation, walls, and wooden structures for these tubes and any signs of damaged wood.
    • Overgrown Vegetation: Pests often thrive in overgrown vegetation. Ensure the landscaping is well-maintained, with no bushes or trees touching the house.
    • Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Check for puddles, blocked gutters, or any areas where water collects, as these can be breeding grounds for pests.

  2. Interior of the Property
    Inside the house, be vigilant for:
    • Droppings and Urine Stains: Rodent droppings and urine stains are clear signs of an infestation. These are commonly found in kitchens, basements, and attics.
    • Shed Insect Skins and Wings: Cockroaches and termites shed their skins and wings. Look for these in hidden areas like behind appliances, in cupboards, and along baseboards.
    • Unusual Odors: A musty or oily smell can indicate the presence of pests like rodents or cockroaches.

Spotting Pest Infestations

Before moving into a new house, conduct a pre-move pest inspection with Pest Control in Singapore. Here are some tips for how to check for pests:

  1. Keep an Eye Out for Live Pests
    Spotting live pests is a clear indication of infestation, though they quickly retreat at the first sign of disturbance, such as footsteps or lights. To locate live pests, conduct a thorough inspection, especially during the daytime when they are less active. Check inside cabinets, under furniture, and in dark, hidden spots. While live pests might be hard to find, you could come across dead pests, which also indicate an infestation.

  2. Droppings and Urine Stains 
    Pest droppings and urine stains are clear indicators of an infestation. Rodents, for example, leave small, pellet-shaped droppings, while cockroach feces look like coffee grounds. These can often be found in hidden areas such as under sinks, behind appliances, and in basements.

  3. Gnaw Marks and Holes 
    Rodents like rats and mice have a constant need to gnaw, which results in gnaw marks on wires, furniture, and walls. Look for small holes in walls and floors, as these are often entry points for rodents.

  4. Nesting Materials 
    Pests often use shredded paper, fabric, or plant matter to build nests. Finding such materials in secluded areas of the house is a strong sign of an infestation.

  5. Dead Bugs and Shed Skins 
    Check window sills, basements, and attics for dead insects and shed skins. This can indicate the presence of pests such as cockroaches and bedbugs.

  6. Strange Odors 
    Certain pests emit distinctive odors. A sweet, oily fragrance can point to the presence of cockroaches, whilst a musty smell might point to a rat infestation.

Conducting a Professional Pest Inspection Before Buying or Renting a House

While a DIY inspection can help identify visible signs of infestation, hiring a professional pest control service in Singapore is advisable. Professionals use advanced tools and techniques to detect hidden pests and provide a comprehensive report. In Singapore, the National Environment Agency (NEA) provides guidelines on engaging licensed pest control services, ensuring you get reliable and effective assistance.


Tips for Maintaining a Pest-Free Home

Once you've ensured your new home is pest-free, maintain it by:

  • Sealing Entry Points: Close gaps around doors, windows, and pipes to prevent pests from entering.
  • Regular Cleaning: Keep your home clean and free of food debris to deter pests.
  • Proper Waste Management: Dispose off garbage regularly and use sealed bins to avoid attracting pests.

Spotting a pest infestation before moving into a new home can save you from future headaches. By following these guidelines from Pest Control in Singapore, you'll be well-prepared to spot a potential pest infestation and enjoy your new home without unwelcome guests. Conduct a thorough inspection, look for specific signs of common pests, and consider hiring a professional exterminator like ORIGIN for your peace of mind