There's a growing consensus about finding the best disinfection service that has an effective, hassle-free, and affordable approach towards preventing infection, viruses, and diseases. With hundreds of disinfection services available, we have narrowed down the one, most proficient and qualified solution to your problems: ORIGIN Exterminators.
About ORIGIN Exterminators

ORIGIN Exterminators has been successful in the disinfection and pest-control business for over 30 years. They are committed to sanitizing your homes, offices, and other commercial and mercantile premises through some of the most infallible and guaranteed measures. Their mode of operation and treatments are not only innovative and scientifically proven but are also trustworthy and eco-friendly. Disinfection Service for both Residential and Commercial properties like Offices, Warehouses, Childcare Centres, Clinics, Schools, Tuition Centres, Gyms, Places of Worship etc.
They have a colossal team of experienced professionals who are extremely responsive to all your concerns. All measures are executed with proper and safe operating procedures. They have adopted a holistic approach towards facilitating their services, are prompt, and are regularly devising new and innovative products.
ORIGIN Exterminators chiefly use the Ultra Low Volume (ULV) treatment comprising of the “Gold Standard“ of disinfectants. This is an incredibly potent and powerful disinfectant measure to eradicate contaminants from doorknobs, chairs, handles, lights, tables, and other surfaces.
This treatment is predominantly used in hospitals, airports, shopping centres, gyms, schools, clinics, public transports, other public utilities, commercial properties, and residential areas. Their disinfectant can be used to counteract over 100 different strains of viruses, over 400 different strains of bacterias, and over 60 different strains of yeast and fungi.

ORIGIN GIVES BACK: Disinfection Treatment Campaign
Alongside various prudent measures undertaken by ORIGIN Exterminators, they have conceptualised numerous successful campaigns and donation drives.
The “ORIGIN Gives Back” campaign is aimed towards supporting vulnerable individuals and families. It helps in providing relief to those who have been gravely affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Individuals from Singapore who have faced a loss of income, have incurred additional expenses due to the essential commodities, and are struggling to make a living are being aided and helped through the donations collected by the COURAGE FUND. You can learn more about this fund and contribute, here
This campaign by ORIGIN Eliminators pledges the brand to make a donation of $10, towards the COURAGE FUND, for every disinfection treatment carried out by them from 1st April. As of 8th June 2020, Origin was able to raise and make a contribution of $1490.
ORIGIN Exterminators believe in giving back to society and maintaining the spirit of community in as many ways as possible. The donations made by them for the COURAGE FUND will help families, healthcare workers, volunteers, and other individuals to get through these tough and testing times.
For every treatment you purchase from them, you are also contributing to the COURAGE FUND. If you opt for their services rest assured you will get your hands on the best treatment in town. Through multiple scientific tests and experiments, they have formulated the best and full-proof treatment to keep you and your loved ones protected.